Posted in Nature, Photo

Weekly Photo Challenge: Spring

~A cloud of golden bumblebees,
curbed by tender branch… ~


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

8 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Spring

  1. Beautiful photograph and post…spring is such a special time of year…watching everything come back to life! 🙂 Happy Spring! 🙂


  2. This looks very similar to “scottish broom.” Is it a relative? Very light and airy, as springtime should be.

    What’re the temperatures like there? They’re slowly climbing upwards here in Washington state. Now if only the sun would come out and linger longer. The first day of spring was yesterday, but the grey skies overhead continue to portend of winter. Sigh…

    can’t wait to walk in the sun…hugmamma. 😉


    1. Apparently this type of tree is called a ‘catkins tree’. I don’t know what ‘Scottish broom’ is. We call this tree a ‘katjesboom’.
      Last night it was freezing, but in daytime it is rather nice, around 12 Celsius, with blue skies. Spring is in the air Hugmamma!


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