Posted in Six word stories


My second entry in the 6WSC, theme music:



please click the photo for a larger image

This musician played in Barcelona, all by himself, at a quiet spot in a park. He created magical sounds and rhythms with this metal music instrument and had me listening for a long while. Does anyone know what this instrument is called? 

Update: my friend from The Life and Times of a Leo Woman has found more information: it seems to be a Hang Drum. Take a minute to listen to its voice…

Join the challenge for Six Word Stories!

Posted in Border hopping, Haiku, Photo, Photo challenge, Poems

Travel theme: Smoke and Mirrors

Did you know that March 29th is Smoke and Mirrors Day? The origin of this day, which celebrates all things magical and illusory, is suitably shrouded in mystery, but what a great theme it provides. Ailsa dares us once more to share our creations in photography.

Here is my magic:


nothing ever is

as it seems, because of screens

of smoke and mirrors


~ click the photos for a larger image ~

Other entries at Where’s my backpack?

Posted in Biker Witch, Culture/History, Personal, Photo

Like Mother, Like Daughter

~ click the photos for a larger image ~

2013-03-16 12.48.27


Look familiar? 😉

Posted in Culture/History, Personal, Photo, Six Word Saturday

Memories in black & white

My Saturday in six words:


please click the photos for a slideshow

Yesterday, I posted a poem for my dear mother on my Dutch blog, Doldriest: Mom, can I be a child once more? In search of an illustration for that poem, I opened my photo album which I hadn’t seen in years. And found these jewels. So many memories… so in stead of doing my taxes, I’m lost in the past.

Will you search for sweet old memories today too?

< Click the button for more Six Word Saturday.

Posted in Art, Haiku, Photo

They have become one


connected in dance

movement of elegant grace

they have become one


Posted in Haiku, Photo, Photo challenge, Poems, Sunday Post

Sunday Post: Ongoing


in muted horror

ongoing wars wreck the world

will they ever stop?




~ click the photo for a larger image ~

Sunday Post

Other Ongoings at Jake Sprinter’s Sunday Post.

Posted in Biker Witch, Haiku, Photo, Photo challenge, Poems

Graceful Concept


of power and invention

in graceful concept



click the photo for a larger version

It looks like a motorbike, it has the feel of a motorbike. But it still is only a concept and will never hit the roads full power.


For more Concepts visit the Sunday Post.

Posted in Photo, Photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far

We’re excited about this week’s photo challenge, near and far, and hope it inspires you to play with perspective, which can give sweeping images of beautiful locations more oomph and power. Perspective is what makes a flat two-dimensional image, such as a photograph, appear like it is three-dimensional. To create this effect, you can use features like diagonal lines, which converge within the frame and literally suck in the viewer.


In this photo, the cemetery of the Congregation of Mission House Saint Franciscus Xaverius in Teteringen, The Netherlands. The cemetery is now integrated in a golf course, weird but fitting. The atmosphere is subdued and very quiet.

I was triggered by the rows of crosses, leading up to the big cross at the far end of these fathers’ last resting place.

~ click the photo for a larger image ~
Posted in Haiku, Photo, Poems, Sunday Post

Black & White


Is there ever truth,

or does reality fade

into shades of gray…


~ click the photo for a larger size ~


More Black & White over at Jake Sprinter’s.