Posted in Animals, Photo

Black and White

No need to go outside for inspiration; I have it right here at my home! This is Smokey, staring out of the window. He longs to explore the backyard. I’m sorry, my lad, but you will have to wait a couple of weeks longer before I can safely let you roam the neighborhood.


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Posted in Photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Life


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check out the other entries in the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge.

Posted in Photo, Photo challenge, Quote


Ese’s Weekly Shoot & Quote Challenge – Intricate

Like snowflakes, the human pattern is never cast twice. We are uncommonly and marvelously intricate in thought and action, our problems are most complex and, too often, silently borne.”

– Alice Childress


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Posted in Art, Photo, Photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Eerie

Unseen eyes were watching me, I felt it in my bones. Icy talons latched onto my spine and my intuition screamed. But when I turned, nobody was looking…

for a larger image, please click the photos

<< Want to participate too? Other Eerie photos and the WordPress Challenge are hiding under the button.

Posted in Border hopping, Haiku, Nature, Photo, Photo challenge

Travel theme: Wild


holding on with roots

that dig deep into the soil

it stands in the wild



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< more wildness under the button

Posted in Border hopping, Haiku, Nature, Photo




Where desert meets sky

Silent sentinels stand guard

Desolate and grim


Posted in Border hopping, Haiku, Photo, Technology

Man Eaters


big metal birds with
tantalizing promises
swollow people whole




Posted in Nature, Photo, Photo challenge

Travel theme: Ripples


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<< under the button are more ripples.

Posted in Animals, Photo, Photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background

The places that we pass through day after day, or even once in a lifetime, leave in their small way, echoes and traces of themselves upon us. But so often when taking self portraits or pictures of friends, the places themselves become a soft blurred mush of indistinct semi-nothingness, the limelight stolen by our smiling faces. In today’s challenge, let’s turn the tables. Take a picture of someone as a shadow, a reflection, or a lesser part of a scene, making the background, or the foreground, the center of attention.

– so Pick challenges us.

In this photo I tried to capture the fascination on the guy’s face, while he watches the grim spectacle of a snake feeding on an (already dead) rat. It’s the way of nature, for to the snake this prey is as normal as a steak is to us: supper.


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Go and have a look at other Backgrounds at WordPress.