Posted in Art, Border hopping, Nature, Photo

Natural Wood Art


The Totem Pole and the Vulture.

At least that is what I see in them. What do you see?

Posted in Nature, Photo, Photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth II

~ seems like it’s about to burst with life ~
~ growing up & growing old ~
~ and even from dead wood, something new and wondrous can grow ~
Posted in Animals, Art, Personal, Photo, Photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Create

I love wood. I grew up with the scents of wood and glue, since my Dad has a workshop with all tools imaginable. He has always created things – still does actually – like Gyro Gearloose.

This little dog I made out of red meranti wood:

The brass frog once scared my neighbor. Senseless. She screamed and ran away. I was showing her the black wax model I molded. She thought it was real:

I crafted both the dog and the frog a long, long time ago, but they live where ever I live. Sturdy pets! 😉

Last year I created this silver-green dragon. It has been a guest at Figments before:

Witness its birth:

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For more creativity, click Weekly Photo Challenges.

Posted in Nature, Stories

Gusts of autumn

Trees, attacked by wind clippers, have to let go of their green fur. Tired leaves flutter down and adorn the ground with a carpet of colors. Squirrels – busy with certified free-range acorns – stare in the distance with their black bead eyes, like they want to inculcate the whereabouts of winter supplies in their tiny red heads. Wood gnomes stand in line at the Garden Center, where a variety of mushrooms is on sale.

Soon the wind whirls around in search of chinks and holes, bumping into heated houses. Rain adorns windows with glistening drops, revealing a warm family life. Summer dresses and short skirts battle winter coats and woolly scarves, and eventually have to yield to thick leggings and fur coated boots. How ‘horrible’, hibernating in a cozy dry closet, while the vanquishers defy wind gusts and seeping rain.

Still the dehydrated indoor air germinates an anxiety for the rugged outdoors: it’s better to have the dark blush of a kingfisher than the white cheeks of a sparrow.

During a walk in the woods, the muse whispers softly:

Tender threads
delicate but tenacious
woven into a pattern
of intricate symmetry

Filmy lace
catches drops of dew
and reflects sun light
deep into your heart

With pursed lips, a fat spider awaits unsuspecting passersby in the middle of her sparse structure, so she can gaze deep into their eyes. Only her elects are surprised by a kiss on the lips. Usually this caress results in a bloodcurdling scream from the hiking party, followed by spitting out web remnants. Indignant the eight-legged madame turns around and grabs her tool box. Always the same with those two-leggers!

Slightly upset by this intimate encounter with the offspring of Mother Nature, the fur-coated legs return home, following the lure of a steaming cup of chocolate milk, a glass of herbal tea (the coffee pot only plays a minor roll in this house), hearty pea soup. Mulled or red wine, a sip of whisky. Or a hot bath.

Then a new day is born. Many a biorhythm has difficulties with the dark cold salute that blows in through the open window. King Frost waves his chilly scepter and covers the cars in hoarfrost. Isn’t that great: this monarch provides free morning exercises! The parking lot’s barrier suffers from RSI but bravely toils onwards: the university opens her arms and doors wide in a warm embrace, even in autumn…

Posted in Stories

Superwoman in hiding

Last month, as you might know from the post Holiday curse, Vman and me were helping out a couple of friends who wanted to build a wooden cabin on their land in Portugal. What I didn’t tell you back then, is that somewhere, deep down inside of me, I found a Superwoman in hiding!

Imagine a piece of wild dry land with steep parts. Then add a big yellow monster of a machine, that’s leveling out the area for the master house, to arise next year. Another man is taking down trees that are too close to the building area. A bit to the left there’s a precipitous ramp leading upwards to the foundation of the cabin. Insert five hard working people near this foundation. Got it? Good, hold on to that thought.

The contractor who will build the master house, had already made sure there were waterworks. Meaning, in the middle of nowhere a pole was sticking up from the ground with a tap attached to it. Not very fancy but functional: we had a water hose in case it got too hot.

Apart from the water, of course we needed electricity. Not for tools – we had an aggregate for that –  but we needed electricity for music. How can one work without music to ease the mind and take the thoughts off the heavy task at hand? Simply not possible! After three days the contractor walked up the ramp with a tension spring and started inserting it  into the pipe that was waiting for a source of  energy. Apparently the community service finally had kept their word and connected the power lines to the area. Half an hour and a lot of sweat later the tip of a black cable appeared at the end of the spring. And after some moments we were happily singing along to strange Portuguese songs and listening to the same ads over and over again.

The next day the ladies  went back to impregnating the beams, boards, laths and other still unidentified wooden things, while the men built the first layers of wood on the foundation. That was sooooo exciting: the cabin would get its shape. You can see the black cable popping up from a little square on the picture on the down left side, with me painting and humming nearby.

But then the music stopped… I looked up and saw the radio unplugged. Weird. When I wanted to plug the cable back in, it started to move! My eyes got bigger and bigger, and when the cable continued its new course back into the pipe, I started yelling and grabbed the cable firmly in both hands, bracing myself with my foot against the concrete. When nobody reacted, I screamed again ‘Help, the cable is disappearing, HELP damn you!!’ Alright, that got some attention. Meanwhile I was hanging onto the cable with all my strength.

Marcel came running, took one look at me and then raced down the ramp towards the master house site, shouting for the work men to stop whatever they were doing. The cable, almost up to the plug in the pipe by now, stopped its slithering path down into the bowels of the earth. Pfew.

I stood up straight and waited for Marcel to return. To my surprise, he was laughing his butt off. ‘What?’, I asked. No reply, only a new salvo of laughter. ‘WHAT IS IT?’, my voice a tad bit louder. Was I being laughed at here while I was rescuing his precious cable?!

Then he asked me ‘Mar, were you really trying to stop the cable, when on the other side a big strong excavator has set its claws into it? Who do you think you are, Superwoman?’. The navvy had accidentally hit the cable while leveling the ground. Hmmm he did have a point there. To save my dignity, I grumbled ‘If you put it that way, it might be a bit funny indeed – perhaps 😛 – but I did save your precious cable from being torn to pieces!’.  And with these words I sent the superwoman in me back to rest and laughed even harder than my friends.