Posted in Photo, Photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

Quintin Lake of Quintin Lake Architectural Photography challenges us to share a photo that means GEOMETRY.

‘This challenge is about the shapes and rhythms that make up the geometry of our world. Many photographs of any genre have an underlying sense of geometry, but I often like to make this the main subject of my work. I think it’s the most important aspect of a photograph’s success. This could be the patterns of the natural world up close and personal, or the rhythm of your local buildings.’

My contribution for this week:

~ click the photo for a larger image ~


More Geometry at the Daily Post.


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

40 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

        1. It is window blasphemy! Who ever thinks of such a solution is not right in the head 😉 Hmmm, but the other option would have been to damage the brickwork. And I don’t want to think of that either.


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