Posted in Culture/History, Personal

Morning Ritual

Habits. They might seem dull and boring. But habits also give comfort and peace, as they allow the mind to relax and help to prepare for the day to come.

Every morning the usual and hurried actions: get up, shower while wondering what clothes to wear, get hair under control, eye liner, mascara, head towards kitchen for breakfast. Run, Dutchess, run!

But then the world suddenly stops for a while. You see, downstairs there will be a small tin can waving at me. And it won’t be ignored! It will stamp its metal feet and rattle to get attention if needed. This little innocent object forces me into a ritual each morning. And I love it. The tin contains ‘Morning Tea’, with lemon balm and lemon grass plus dried leaves that give this reviving herbal tea a hint of flowers. And a slightly red hue. The taste is refined, light and refreshing.

The cup of tea accompanies me upstairs to my writing den, where I check my mail and read blogs in the early morning. It’s not the special effect of the tea that is dear to me, for there is none: no caffeine. It is the whole setting: finding my inner balance before the madness of society barges in.

Somewhat later a nonchalant glance at the clock regularly sends me into a slight panic (as I tend to forget the time up there) and kicks me into action again. But I wouldn’t want to miss this morning ritual for the world. It brings me peace.

Do you have a morning ritual too?


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

20 thoughts on “Morning Ritual

    1. Coffee and lots of sugar Michael? 😉 Seems to me you need a bit of help to wake up 😀
      Canine company and walking outside, that’s a fine morning ritual too.
      Thanks for subscribing to Figments by the way! Have a very nice and sunny weekend in the south.


  1. Every weekday morning is the same for me. Wake up with some apple juice, watch the local and national news. Shower, hair and make up, dress. Set something out for supper, set reminders on the television for later in the evening. And out the door. Up at 4:30am – out the door at 6:15am.

    Marion yours sounds much more ethereal – mine seems more functional. 😀

    Much love,


    1. You really are an early bird my friend. Half past four is a quiet hour, when the day has yet to start. Mine begins at 6.15 AM.
      Waking up in this relaxed way keeps you balanced throughout the day.
      Ethereal – more like dreaming while awake. Or is that the same Jules? 😉


  2. My mornings are a little erratic at the moment. I wish I could get into a ritual, as I once had. This consisted of morning time meditation, exercising, shower, breakfast and out the door to work. Now, coming in from Taiwan and waiting for the next country, I’m time adjusting and a bit unorganized. Under a bit of medication too and eager for something like a ritual. It’s coming though. The light’s closer to my end of the tunnel. 🙂


  3. Morning ritual-it makes me again crave for some more time in the morning, as normally my morning ritual has been to write, something in my diary or just sit aside, alone and wander for a while in my thoughts. That’s the most refreshing part and mark a superb beginning to your day. Otherwise, the only ritual is to get up, do some exercise, prepare meals for the day and get ready for office, after having a filling breakfast 🙂


    1. Since the WordPress Postaday2011 challenge it’s my habit to get up extra early to create time to write and drink tea. To find that calm spot. Perhaps you could try getting up fifteen minutes earlier than usual Rashmi? I hope you find a way to make a superb beginning of your day 🙂 Including breakfast of course 😉


  4. Wat heb je dit mooi beschreven, Marion. Dit ritueel doet me denken aan de Chinesen die, voordat ze naar hun werk gaan, met hun transistorje onder de arm naar het park lopen om daar de kunst van tai-chi te bedrijven. Waarbij ik dan bedenk dat ook zij “relaxation”zoekn nog voordat de hectiek begint. Daar waar “normale” mensen dat pas doen als ze uitgeblust thuiskomen van een dag werken.


    1. Noem jij me nou zo maar abnormaal? 😉 *grijns*
      En dat heb je goed gezien. T’ai Chi, in een mistige ochtendzon, lijkt me heerlijk. Net als een ochtendwandeling. Maar dat kost allemaal net iets teveel tijd.
      Vandaar mijn thee ritueel.
      Bedankt voor je bezoek hier, leuk! 🙂


  5. Mar, recently a teenager moved into my home. My morning ritual was pretty blase until my grandson moved here with me. Now, oh boy. I am here in my upstairs office, reading my email and the blogs from my friends, as the countdown ticks toward the minute I walk into Timmy’s room to wake him. “Just 10 more minutes, Grandma. PLEASE” I rub his scalp and give a mini massage on top of his head. Then I go walk the dog for 10 minutes and come back to “be mean” and get the boy out of bed. It just becomes crazy from there. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The boy is an exciting part of my life now. He gives me joy through aggravation. 🙂


    1. So you’ve got a Timmy Ritual each morning now! 😀
      Ah teenagers, the tough tender sensitive independent dependent age. Sweet that you let him wake up at his own pace. Ten minutes can seem like a lifetime in the morning.
      ‘Joy through aggravation’, that makes me grin.
      Nice to know your new morning habits M 🙂


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