Posted in Animals, Nature

Happy Stray

It was a happy dog. His tongue was lolling from his mouth in the biggest dog grin you have ever seen. The way he moved was not a walk, but not running either. He was skipping along the road in whimsical patterns. His big head moved from side to side, trying to take in all morning wonders. It was almost too much to absorb. His eyes hardly ever blinked, afraid he would miss out on something awesome.

The dog stopped to examine a bush. For a few seconds he stood still and sniffed but soon he was on the move again. He contemplated crossing the street to see what was on the other side, but then decided against it. A change of mind took him across yet. Then he broke into a run. Freedom! A free collision course.

This morning when I drove to work, the cars in front of me suddenly stopped and I had to hit the brakes real hard to avoid an accident. I was on a busy exit near the university. When I looked up I saw this dog walking along the line of cars, towards and then passing mine, all by himself. Heading straight towards one of the busiest roads of Breda. My mind sped in different directions all at once while the dog – it was a beautiful male Rottweiler – had the time of his life. What to do? Should I open the window and call him? Or better, why not step out of the car and grab him? There were three rows of cars around mine, waiting, watching, while the traffic lights lazily jumped to red. Perhaps the dog would allow me to take his collar and…

And then what? Approach a huge stray Rottweiler who was having a ball? Chances were about zero that he would simply wag his tail and quietly go along with an unknown woman who would force him into a small car driving who knows where. Chances were he might change from the marvelous dog on the left into the somewhat irritated predator on the right!

My heart was pounding with worry by the time he disappeared from my rear view mirror, heading towards the extremely busy main road with no side exits, and all I could do was call on the good spirits to keep him safe. Which I did. The last thing I saw was that he was still happily running on the grass and concrete. Cars started hooting until I finally came to my senses. Then I drove slowly around the corner passing a yellow light, while gazing in every direction. But there was no one who looked like he was after a dog. There were only more cars.

Throughout the day my thoughts returned to this stray dog, this happy creature. I just can’t think of anything bad happening to him. He should be home again, reunited with his worried and then ecstatic owner. Please silly dog, tell me you are asleep now, dreaming about your big adventure…


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

16 thoughts on “Happy Stray

  1. So many times I’ve had this same feeling – trying to balance compassion with common sense. I hope this happy dog found his way back to a happy owner!


  2. I love rottweilers, but not as much as I love german shepherds! 🙂

    I do hope that sweet boy found its way home. With a collar, chances are that he is not a stray. And very likely not equipped with the skills to cross busy roads on his own!


    1. German shepherds are also great! I simply love all big dogs as long as they are healthy and have a good character. But I don’t like the way dogs are bred to resemble an ideal picture for their owners. Dogs that hardly have a nose because it looks so ‘cute’, but which makes them gasp for air.

      He was a sweet boy indeed, full of life and just longing to discover the world hehe, like he was grinning while he ran past. The scary part was that the only way he could go was towards a very busy road without exits. But perhaps he turned around while I drove towards the uni 🙂 Let’s hope so.

      How are your dogs doing Genn?


      1. Yea, let’s hoped he turned around and got to safety after you drove by.

        My 2 youngers dogs are ok. Moping around at home though because the eldest is still in the hospital after a surgery to remove some foreign body object. But Sugar’s doing well so far. I’m hoping she can be discharged tomorrow.

        Thanks for asking.


  3. I will do it in Dutch:

    Wat een verhaal. Ik hoop ook dat het goed is. Of het een avontuur was weet ik niet, die gedachte houdt je misschien sterk maar misschien was het beest wel in paniek? Zucht, je kon ook niets doen. Heb je wel gebeld om het te melden?

    Toen wij naar Mary Poppins gingen fietsten we naar het station en vlak bij huis lag een dode kat op de weg. Het beestje lag er mooi bij. Enkel de plas bloed en de open ogen verriedden dat het beestje was aangereden. We zijn gestopt (we hebben een trein later genomen) en ik heb het beestje onderzocht. Ik zag namelijk dat het een bandje om had. Helaas zat er geen naamplaatje aan. Wie moet je bellen? De gemeente bleek. Maar ja, dat nummer staat niet standaard in onze gsm dus ik heb de politie gebeld. Zij hebben uiteindelijk de gemeente gebeld en die belde mij later weer met de vraag waar het beestje precies lag. Ik wilde weten wat ze ermee zouden doen want de eigenaars moesten toch weten dat hun beestje dood was. De gemeente zou het beestje ophalen, foto’s er van maken en ze kijken of het gechipt is.
    Ik heb een handdoek over het beest heen gelegd en het iets meer naar de kant getild, heel voorzichtig. Het beestje was nog warm, het was pas gebeurd.

    Eergisteren vertelde Mark dat de kat van de buren al twee weken weg was……
    Ik ben meteen naar ze toe gegaan en gloria, hun kat was terug! Ik vertelde mijn verhaal en mijn buurvrouw vertelde dat ze naar de gemeente had gebeld en te horen kreeg dat er een kat was aangereden in de buurt en dat deze een bandje had. De kat lag onder een doek aan de kant van de weg….

    Wat wil ik nou zeggen? Dat je lief bent denk ik 😀 (en inderdaad maar positief denken, anders hebben we geen leven haha…..2 maanden geleden liep er een paard over de weg bij de afslag Rijsbergen, ik heb toen ook de politie gebeld, wist ik veel…. ik ging er maar vanuit dat het beestje gevangen werd en weer lekker naar de wei is gebonjourd). Het paard happy en ikke ook.

    Have a nice day! X


    1. Gelukkig was de hond allesbehalve in paniek. Hij keek zelfs bijzonder vrolijk, alsof hij de wereld ging ontdekken. Schitterend beest. Ik heb ook al eens – op weg naar Limburg – een paard door een akker zien struinen op een zondagochtend. Maar toen wist ik zelf niet eens waar ik was, laat staat dat paard hehehe. Hopelijk is die na een uurtje stappen ook weer huiswaarts gegaan.

      Ach dat poesje 😦 Vreselijk als je weet wat voor verdriet het gemis van zo’n huisvriend veroorzaakt. Heel erg lief en gevoelig dat je het beestje bedekt hebt met een handdoek. Met het chippen tegenwoordig vinden de meeste huisdieren gelukkig weer de weg naar huis. Of wordt in ieder geval zekerheid gegeven.

      Knuf, fijn weekend,


  4. Hi Mar…I know exactly how you feel. Once when I was visiting in Montreal on a busy highway all of a sudden a German Shepherd was running down the opposite lane…at a good distance was a car just stopped on the road and a young woman was running after the dog yelling for it to stop. All we can do is offer a silent prayer that they are protected and return safely home. I’m sure that your prayers were answered by St. Francis, the patron Saint of animals. 🙂


  5. Part of me hopes you did not think he would become vicious just because he was a rott. I’m hoping you think that way about all dogs, because here we have people categorizing dogs as “dangerous” because they were born a certain breed (and it is all in how it is raised… nurture not nature). And I’m against breed judging (it is the same as judging a person by their skin color, after all), but that’s a long tirade.

    But the whole story makes me ask a question. What are animal procedures where you live like? Here, if there is a dog that seems to have gotten lose or stray, you call the police & they give a message/transfer you to the Animal Warden (we only have one, but some places have multiple officers). You tell it where the animal in question was seen, and they will come and look for it. A dog running the streets is not only a danger to itself, but also motorists & so forth. From your post you make it sound as if animals are uncared for by government & so forth.

    Sorry if this all came off in a bad way. I’m just curious.


    1. Just a quick reply ’cause I really need to go to bed Gloria 🙂

      By no means I’m judging a dog by its breed. I love Rottweilers and Dobbermans, Shepherds, Danish dogs, big ones. It all depends on the dog’s individual character. If it behaves well, I’m the first one on my knees to pet and hug it. So that’s not the case. But I will not grab a dog that I don’t know in a surprise situation.

      In the Netherlands you can also call the police, or the animal rescue. But here was immediate danger! The street he was walking up to is very busy with speeding cars and bikes. A very dangerous situation, that’s what kept me worrying.

      Thanks for responding, appreciated!

      *signing off now* 🙂


      1. I would not approach a large dog I didn’t know either. But I can understand your fear for it, it sounds like it was in eminent danger.

        Hopefully the amount of cars on the busy road made it rethink it’s route.


  6. I think it was smart to let him go about his business, you just never know. It doesn’t appear from your writing that he looked in any distress, probably just out for a stroll.

    Sending warm doggie thoughts his way and yours.

    Much love,


    1. The thing was that he was headed straight into on of the busiest streets in rush hour, where cars speed by. That was what worried me so much. He didn’t worry himself, he was just having fun hehehe.
      Thanks for the warm thoughts Jules and good night. It’s nearing midnight now and the need for sleep is getting kind of insistent 😉


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