Posted in Inspiration, Poems

Monday Morning

Weekend thoughts
still linger in my mind
Hazy wisps of peace
Of timeless time

Now it is Monday
Work will be waiting
Half of my mind
is already on its way

The other half stares
Sees a world come to life
Stars fade and make way
For the light of a new dawn

Be welcome Monday
We jump to your call
Attentive and ready
Do not let us down!


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

6 thoughts on “Monday Morning

  1. Sweet and joyous poem! 🙂 That cut doggie isn’t really caught in that car seat right? Trick photography I hope! 🙂


    1. To be honest Genn, yesterday could have been better! Have been grumbling and muttering at our students’ mails and got real irritated in the end. They just do NOT read and that drives me up the wall. But Tuesday is here to save us! 😉


    1. Well, I miss your blogging too! If you ever feel like doing a guest post on my blog, just let me know 🙂 And I sure hope your problems concerning blogging will soon be over. Or vanished. Or forgotten. Or whatever happens to him/her. Begone! As long as you get your joy in writing/blogging back *hugs*

      It is a cute little dog eh? 😉 And the poem says what I was feeling this morning.

      Thanks for commenting Juls, that’s so nice of you 🙂


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