Posted in D&D, Stories, Writing

Dungeons, Dragons and Bandits

After another hilarious and exciting weekend our Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) adventure The Old Empires finally has ended tonight. It took us almost three and a half years to reach the grande finale, with Gonadan as Dungeon Master (DM), Maeglin as Larryl (halfling Ninja), Aglanor as his brother Darryl (halfling Monk), Sihaya as the gorgeous Tonks (gnome Cleric) and myself as Magnys (human Paladin).

We ran around in armor and capes all weekend, waving wands and swinging swords and… naaaaaaaaaaaaaah just kidding! For those who don’t know what D&D is, please read Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 – perhaps that will clear things up. Or perhaps it won’t. You just would have to play along to feel the fun. 😉

We use lots of beautiful handbooks,

little figurines to clarify the situation,

but mostly D&D is about using your imagination, directed by dice, rules and common sense and depicted on paper.

Halfway through this campaign I started to make detailed reports of all sessions and will do the same with the last one. You can read these reports of The Old Empires at my blog Dungeon Dutchess. We are already planning the next campaign with Maeglin as DM in an Underdark Drow campaign, which will start in about two months.

This weekend we had an unexpected mystery player who was mewing in exactly the right spots, and immediately went to Aglanor’s side when he was wounded in battle and lay unconscious.

Dungeons, Dragons and Bandit.

Thanks Maeg, Ags, Sihaya and Gonadan, thanks for this fabulous friendship and the role playing fun!


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

6 thoughts on “Dungeons, Dragons and Bandits

  1. I’ve heard of the game…when my son was young someone told him that it had hidden meanings and so I never let him play it! lol Probably heard it from the same mother who told me not to let him buy KISS records…that it stood for Knights In Satan’s Service. Amazing how rumors get started! 🙂 Have fun! 🙂


    1. LOL JM, hidden meanings? It is LOADED with hidden meanings, all made up by an evil Dungeon Master who throws dragons, swamp monsters and trolls on our path hehehe. That mother should rearrange her perspective of evil in this world 😀

      Off to work now! Sleep well 🙂


  2. Thanks for sharing. You bring back memories of when my oldest son was young and living at home. We tried to just get started with D&D and never made it into a lasting hobby together. I think I designed a character and he was working on designing a game. He, of course, played elsewhere with his friends. Thanks for bringinbg back the memories. You’re lucky to have good friends who share this interest with you.


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