Posted in Health, Six Word Saturday

Virtual Oxigen

My Saturday in Six Words


131012sixwordsimage: Yale Scientific Magazine

A month ago, I came down with a viral respiratory infection and I got up again after a week. A couple of days later it came back to strike me down even harder. Several body parts decided to join in, so everything above my waist was painful. I have been occupying couch and bed for a week, while my books and 13th Street were occupying my mind.

Today I finally feel my levels of energy and oxygen rising a bit for the first time in over two weeks, the relentless coughing abating. I can slowly breathe deeper again, even dared to pick up the vacuum cleaner and wave it around downstairs. And that feels like such a blessing.

This feast of extreme and relentless coughing, gasping for air – especially at night – and sniveling happens to me twice a year, during the changing of the seasons. Asthma. Could allergies have something to do with it? It must be, for they adore me. They love me so much that they can’t leave me alone. But on October 24th I’m seeing a bio-resonance therapist who might be able to help. I have no idea what bio-resonance is or does, but will find out in less than two weeks.

So on this fine and sunny Saturday I want to send out virtual oxygen to all who battle a lung disease, to those who have a severe cold, to asthma and bronchitis patients, to anyone in need of a simple breath. Hang in there. I feel for you.

Have a healthy Saturday.

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