Posted in Nature, Photo, Poems, Writing

In the Spirit of Winter


Wet droplets in gray skies
seep color from my world,
trickle down the window
and dress my house
in sheets of coldness

Tonight snow flakes
whirl, they twirl
like a girl in dance
their whiteness descends
into mushy layer

So let’s stay in, my love
and wrap ourselves
in blanket warmth
while our eyes reflect
golden candle light

Leave gloves and scarf
and come, cuddle close
where heart meets heart
near the fireplace
‘cause winter is coming


MC Driessen blogs

Spirit of winter

~ click the photo for a larger image ~ 

fwf-badge-pinkThis post was written for Kellie Elmore’s Free Write Friday prompt

In the spirit of Winter

Use one or more of the words to inspire your pen: winter berries, candles, ice crystals, snow flakes, seasonal, winter, holidays, Christmas, family, eating, religion, Santa Claus, reindeer, blizzard, snowstorm, peppermint, hot chocolate, gloves, scarf, boots, fireplace.

Posted in Personal, Photo, Writing


A warm flood suddenly washes over you – through you – and fills your every fiber with awareness. With thankfulness. Of someone, or something. A kind smile in a supermarket. Rain that stops when you step out of the door. Your son who offers to go grocery hunting for you. You practically seem to glow and shine with an inner light. An aura as flaming as the sun halos your head and ignites a sparkle in your eyes.

So stop!

Please, stop what you are doing at the moment and take a minute or two to contemplate the things you are grateful for. The people who are special in your lives. Kindness by strangers. And let that warm flood flow through your veins.

Thank you, sweet Mom and Dad, you are and always have been wonderful. Your loving care formed the base of my existence. Brother and sisters, we had fun times together and I’m smiling even thinking of you. And I do so every day. Love you all so much.

Thank you, magical friends, who have made my life worth living. Without you I would have been lost so many times. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you, my sons, for filling my days (and nights) with everlasting joy and… let’s call it challenges. 😉 It is interesting and heart-warming to see you both grow into fine young men. I love you, unconditionally. Even when I’m mad at you.

Thank you, my V-man. For almost five years we are a pair now. And I am proud and grateful for being your choice of heart. My deep love is for you.

Thanks, sweet marvelous people out there. Do you realize what miracles a simple smile can work? No? Try it, and you will see your own smile mirrored all around you.

Gratitude, such a warm feeling. I hope each and every day will be filled with golden moments of gratitude.

Feel free to share your gratitude here. Better yet, tell your loved ones and even complete strangers how you feel. All it takes is a smile… 🙂

~ Marion


This post was written for Kellie Elmore’s Free Write Friday prompt.