Posted in Six Word Saturday

Carefully stretching my horse riding muscles

… or rather, the absence of. 😉 Logo-StalHuijbregts-transp


Mind you, the stallion in the photo is not the horse I’m riding each Friday. My horse is called Indian Summer, and she is a sweet and dependable mare. Indian, together with her owner José, gave me back the confidence I lacked to ever get on a horse again.

So now I have to get used to the demands horse riding has on one’s legs and other bodyparts. And I love it!



The horse in this photo is Invincible Spirit at the Irish National Stud. Or Invisible Spirit, as my V-man kept calling him. He is way out of my league; check this out:


Have a wonderful Saturday! x

Posted as part of Six Word Saturday


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

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