Posted in Personal, Photo

Photo: Friday HUG Day

Today – Friday February 11th, 2011 – is


in Holland. I don’t think this knowledge is wide spread since I’ve just made it up, but I’m going to do my best to get the Dutch hugging today!

When my children were smaller, hugging was aplenty in ‘Huize Drieske’. Since they’re 19 and 16 years old now, the hugging isn’t as frequent anymore. I want to share two old pictures with you:

Sean is the adorable bear on the right, his friend Jaap on the left side.

My sons are left and right, with my sisters’ kids in the middle. And my sweet ol’ cat Lotus

You see, I had to take measures to make sure I could keep on hugging. I surrounded my self with cuddly stuff, so even today I can hug with my:

Bedside Bunny

Then my feet can cuddle with my:

Spanish ‘sloffen’

The sweetness continues in my study:

Meet the Brothers Bear

Downstairs I’m greeted by a sleepy white-red creature:


And last but not least, I’ll even be taking the coziness with me when I go to work:

Yes it’s a handbag. Yes, there’s actually stuff in there. And yes, it’s fake!

Good morning my friends, let’s hug today and spread warmth, love and care for each other!!!

Posted in Biker Witch

Dream Vacation Recipe

Are you still not sure where to go to during your holiday this year? Well, whatever you do, don’t despair for your savior is near! *points at herself* 😉 Distilling your dream destination is simply finding the right ingredients and then combining them. Just fill in the blanks, add them up et voilà.

Shall I give you an example of my favorite vacation recipe? Hint: you’re supposed to say ‘yes’ now.


absolutely avoid: tourists

action: moderate *points at her stupid back*

atmosphere: mysticism

budget: … next question please!

climate: sun, not too hot, bit of wind

company: a biker maniac

environment: open, green, authentic

landscape: hills, rough, sweet

means of transportation: horse

must-sees: castles, menhirs, meadows, sheep, grass

preferred season: summer

The only dissonance in this recipe is the ingredient ‘budget’. Too bad we can’t eliminate it. But even with a shortage of budget, the cake will be fantastic.

Let’s see what my Dream Vacation Recipe will be: on an (iron) horse in summer, riding in the sun – not too hot, a bit of wind – through an open undulating green and authentic landscape, where mysticism still roams the rough and yet sweet hills. Where I can see castles, menhirs, sheep and meadows – empty of tourists – accompanied by a gentle biker maniac…

Ladies and gents, this summer, we will be cruising SOUTHERN ENGLAND on our Harley, balancing with my knees and holding on tight to my Vman!

Is it summer yet?

= 😀

Posted in Inspiration, Poems

Shedding Tendrils of Doom

When in dark long hours before dawn
Brooding thoughts ravage your heart
Dragging you down, you feel alone
Then remember the new day’s start

O glorious moment when sun rises
Golden rays tickling your face
Your life, potent with sweet surprises
For now filtered in a painful haze

One day my sweet and gentle friend
Joy finds you, feelings all abloom
Tears float away and you’ll mend
Shedding those tendrils of doom

Let the sun warm your skin, feel free…

Posted in Stories

Progressively Unnecessary

A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary. ~Thomas Carruthers

How very true in the case of Doc Mass Communication, let’s call him DMC.

Back in 1981 – WordPress seems to lead me back in time often these days – I left the town where I grew up to head towards the ‘big’ city of Breda to study Sociological Recreational at the NHTV university.

Everything was new: living on my own, cooking, meeting other students, new relationship, but also the university. From the protected environment of high school to the open, unstructured way of teaching at the NHTV.

Our schedule offered lots of interesting courses, like programming, Dutch, English, French, psychology, recreation, sociology and mass communication. Used to the sing song dialect we spoke back home, all these new accents could be challenging. As I was to others.

Alright, let’s find out everything there is to know about mass communication. Entering the class room came DMC. Doc was tall, slender and talked fast. Very fast and non-stop. In fact he talked so fast with an accent I still wasn’t used to, that I had absolutely NO idea what he was talking about. For an hour I sat there, rolling my eyes and wondering what the message of his lesson was. It was something about a red thread.

But there was always the book, so I dived in to learn more about communication. The next lesson I was totally prepared for DMC. Bring it on! And he did. Another hour went by and sentences without meaning flowed through the room. I understood what he was saying, but he simply was not making sense. One minute he was on subject, the next he jumped to a complete new line of thinking, only to hop back to the first. And again something about a red thread.

Third class there was… snow. Lots of snow. Mountains of snow. And a forest nearby. My friend Suzan and me arrived at school to absorb more masses of communication. We walked towards the class room and sat down. Looked outside. Looked at each other. And got the hell out of there! That was the first of many many long walks and talks and Suzan and I became best friends.

I haven’t been back to DMC’s lessons, not once. In stead I studied the book and flunked the exam. Second try was a hit: I passed. He probably knew very much about this wonderful subject mass communication, but he was the worst teacher I’ve ever had. Or perhaps the best, since his abracadabra taught me self study, plus gave us a wonderful friendship!

Posted in Stories

Borg-Free Internet

Internet. The deep space on earth. A gateway to information, to friends known and friends yet unknown. Patiently waiting to be discovered. A communication network with countless branches, offering chances in new directions.

Not all is safe out there. There are the Borg and Romulans cruising the internet, setting traps for the unaware, for the vulnerable, for the young and old. They abuse this wonderful medium and want to assimilate our souls. Be very careful not to let them!

Could I live without the internet? Oh yes, of course. I would still eat, breathe and do my stuff. But do I WANT to live without the internet? That would be a big NO, since I wouldn’t be able to do those other ‘stuffs’ that I love and need so much: interaction and communication. Writing and sharing.

The internet reaches out a hand to people all over the world. To find new truths and challenges. To help teach others there is more to life than our own little community. To learn about people and places. To CONNECT.

How about you, could you live without the internet?

Posted in Personal

So Long. Farewell. In a Leaky Rowboat.

In Do You Want My Wacky Love, I introduced you to Stephen. Today’s WordPress topic ‘Describe the one who got away‘ is about him.

Stephen and I met for the first time in a bar, back in 1984, where this tall lean man introduced me to salsa and merengue. No, that’s not something to eat, it is dancing! We had big fun and talked and laughed ’till deep in the night. The next day, Stephen called my number. He came to our student house and again he made me laugh. Things got deeper and there I was, in a relationship with an exotic, black man.

The first year was magical. Crazy rap performances in discotheques – I still can match Sugar Hill Gang’s Rapper’s Delight word for word, barbecues by the lakeside, midnight swims, visits to friends that ended in one big musical feast. Life was a party. Those are the things I remember fondly.

The downside of this relationship were unemployment and other women. At least that’s what I suspected, but his buddies were always backing him up. More often he wouldn’t come home at night and I was sick with worry and unpleasant feelings of doubt. Where the HELL was he. Of course he had been with Eric, ‘Just call him, you’ll see.’ And I believed him, time and time again. Needed to believe him. He got away.

Jobs were also hard for him to hold on to. There was always something wrong with them. The boss didn’t like him. It was the wrong kind of work. He got fired for no reason at all. It was all a big discrimination conspiracy. Yeah RIGHT! The only one who was wrong, was Stephen himself. Too lazy, no perseverance. Meanwhile we had moved into an apartment, since I had a steady full time job. There were still plenty of ups, but more and more downs.

After another fight over his regular absence during the night – including weird female phone calls – I ended the relationship. Only to be swept away by his marriage proposal. The nights he was away, he had been working hard to create a little palace for the both of us, a new home. It was supposed to be a big surprise! How could I doubt him when he was slaving long long hours… Again plenty of buddy-backup. O, I was so VERY blonde back then! *growls* We got engaged. We wanted kids as soon as possible. We were going to travel to Curacao to meet his parents.  And again he got away, he convinced me once again of his love.

That bubble burst when a woman called, telling me she was pregnant with Stephen and where he was? PARDON ME?!? Yes, since I was his EX girlfriend, perhaps I knew where he could be? Can you imagine my total bewilderment? My panic? The ‘little palace’ where he spent so many time, was HER house. All came crashing down around my ears. My sweet pure intuition had been right all along. If only I had listened to that little voice.

When confronted with my questions, he told me she was a crazy woman. That nothing was true. How I DARED to doubt him. But the day before I had found the notes of the work agency where he was supposed to be during the day. He had worked ONE morning that week. That dreadful Friday morning is forever imprinted on my retina. Totally upset and mad as hell, I threw the lunch I was preparing for him (to take to work) at his head – he was still lying in bed. That was when he attacked me, grabbed my throat and pushed me against the wall.

As scary as it was, this action actually saved me. It gave me the strength to end it all. Permanently. The one thing he had never done – the one thing he knew I would never accept – was to lay his hands on me. So I kicked him out of the apartment and to my surprise he went. Again he got away, taking my hopes and dreams with him.

What followed next was a living nightmare. After a month, just when I was crawling back up, he called me and wanted to meet me. He had to tell me something very important! I said no. He insisted. The craziest scenarios swept like a tidal wave through my mind, so I agreed to meet him. Stephen arrived that evening, acting very hyper. He wanted to make a deal. Actually he demanded to use my storage room downstairs as a repository for ‘his new business’. I refused. He totally freaked out, became hostile and aggressive, was tearing down my apartment in search of the keys. He started pushing me around, threatening me, throwing the table over and attacking. Never in my life have I been that scared and helpless.

I grabbed the phone and called a friend who owned a car. Peter answered the phone and immediately told me that help was on the way. Stephen meanwhile took the phone from my hands and started calling friends ‘to start a party’. My God, I was terrified. He was like a stranger with a demon inside. After what seemed like an hour, but couldn’t have been more than ten minutes, my door bell rang. I grabbed my coat -with my keys in it – my handbag and ran outside. I escaped in one piece.

Outside Jacqueline was waiting for me, Peter’s wife. She is a funny tall woman with a sense for adventure. And this had sounded like one to her. She took one look at my tearful face and drove to the police station. All tension came out and I broke down. The police were very helpful and immediately two police officers drove back with me to my apartment, Jacqueline close on our heels. When we neared the front door, we were gently pushed aside and with their guns drawn, they entered. A shadow moved and they took aim… but it was only my brave cat Spike. Stephen had disappeared.

I stayed with Peter and Jacqueline that weekend, not daring to go back home. That Monday the police called me at work. There was a gentleman sitting there, claiming I had changed the locks of our home while he had been away on vacation. I could only stare at the phone, totally bewildered. What the HELL? On shaky legs I walked across the street to the police station. Guess who was sitting there. Right, Stephen and his friend Eric. I could only see the devil in his eyes. He was accusing me of the most dreadful things, and again I broke down. I was a nervous wreck and weighed only 90 pounds.

Fortunately there was this detective, who listened to my side of the story, who nodded after only one minute and then took me upstairs with him. He gave me a cup of tea and asked me to tell him everything. Which I did. He made one phone call and Stephen and Eric had to leave the building. If Stephen was the devil, then this guy was an angel. My guardian angel. He made sure I got a lawyer, patrolled near my apartment during my lunch breaks when he knew I went home to take care of my cats. Insisted that I’d take a secret phone number.

A couple of weeks later I had to meet Stephen in court. He still demanded the use of my storage room. After only fifteen minutes the judge had heard enough and wrote his own address on a paper and gave it to Stephen. He told him to stop harassing me and that he could use the judge’s storage room! You see, I was the only one with a job, I payed for the apartment, everything was on my name. So I won this case with flying colors. So long, farewell. Go home to Curacao in a leaky rowboat please!

Several friends took me in and gave me shelter for as long as I needed it. They saved my sanity and my trust in people. I swore I would never EVER feel as helpless as the night Stephen hijacked my home. And I made sure I haven’t since.

Thank you SO much for reading my long story. In the end it was me who got away.

Posted in Nature, Poems

Where The Wind Sleeps

Wind, earth’s breath
ethereal and invisible
unseen but tangible
voiceless yet audible

Wind, soft as a new born baby
the merest stir in the air
when I close my eyes
I feel you with my heart

Wind, gentlest of breeze
you touch me, yet you don’t
tempting, luring, caressing
a butterfly flutter delight

Wind, kind of frisky
on a hot summer day
evaporating a sheen of pearls
on my rosy cheeks

Wind, naughty as a youngster
playfully catch at my hair
blow leaves on my path
to shower my feet in softness

Wind, a restless singing
dashing over tile and roof
arousing trees from slumber
to join in a spirit dance

Wind, howling, screeching
whipping up the waves
into untamable mountains
savage and wild

Wind, violent, destructive
turning round and round
taking everything with you
on your path of doom

Wind, silent, still
in the eye of a cyclone
Wind, dear dangerous wind
is this the place where you sleep?

Posted in Stories

My bed! With me in it!

My dearest WordPress,

Today you want me to tell you where I will beam myself first when teleportation is finally possible. Thank you kindly for this once in a lifetime offer on this early Friday morning.

I’m sorry to inform you that my brain still is not working at full speed right now, let alone warp speed. Is warp speed needed to be able to teleport? I will have to trust blindly in your capacities to take me away.

The only place where I would love to teleport to is a comfortable zone. A place where it is warm and safe. Even hot. A very special place where I can relax and read. With music on demand, and silence as an option. A place to live the wildest dreams. Where breakfasts are the best in the whole world, and late night snacks frisky. A unique spot where that teleport beam may take me right this instance…

My BED! With me in it! 😉

Kind regards,
~ Marion a.k.a. Dutchess

Posted in Stories

The hero in YOU!

Day 34 of the ‘Post A Day 2011′ challenge

Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Jeanne d’Arc, Chief Sitting Bull. Five names with an important story. Stories that still touch everybody’s life, even if only in the tiniest aspect. And there are many, many others who have changed the world we live in for the better. They have my utmost respect and admiration.
Thank you!

But heroes don’t need big names. As we speak, people are fighting for freedom and justice all over the world. Our military forces; groups of people who gather and stand up for the rights they believe in; police officers and fire men who risk their lives daily to protect and serve; animal rescue services. They also have my sincere admiration and thanks.
Thank you!

But in this post I honor

The Hero in YOU!

‘Normal people’ heroes, like you and me. Brave acts in daily life that show character when it matters:

  • by getting up and get dressed, when you feel you can’t face the world;
  • by smiling, when worries are trying to get you down;
  • by fighting, when all you want to do is run and hide;
  • by finding patience when everything inside of you is on fire;
  • by helping a total stranger to cross the street;
  • by standing by your friend, when everyone else turns on him;
  • by finding your way when darkness threatens you;
  • by sticking to your beliefs in the face of defeat;
  • by allowing yourself to be proud of what you do;
  • by toiling long hours to provide your family with food and shelter;
  • by being brave and strong in the face of sickness;
  • by speaking the truth, even when it hurts;
  • by improving yourself through study, while working also;
  • by believing in yourself;

You are all heroes in your own way, big and small, and I greet you with a smile and respect.
Thank you!

Would you like to add your thoughts on this subject and show me the hero in YOU?
