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Photo: Craving for Freshly Baked Bread

If you could have anything to eat right now, what would it be?

This question had me craving for fresh crispy crusty crunchy delicious bread. And we can’t have a craving running loose in this house. 😉 Nor a hungry teenager!

So after almost three hours of waiting, finally this emerged:

Ten minutes later my son’s patience was rewarded with:

A fresh tuna sandwich with cucumber and dill.

Do I need to say the smell is tantalizing? Yummy!

What would YOU like to eat today? 🙂


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

14 thoughts on “Photo: Craving for Freshly Baked Bread

  1. Your bread looks yummy. I made bread night before last, a sour dough. Gotta love fresh baked bread.

    When I read the question I was thinking that I would love to have a bowl of warm steamy chili. It is very cold and we got tons of snow overnight. So something hot and spicy would be lovely.

    Much love,


    1. Hot chili mmm, it’s been awhile since I’ve made that. Sounds good Jules! Will you make it yourself?
      Here in Holland the weather is teasing us with feelings of spring, while the day before yesterday it was still freezing in the morning.
      Stay warm and keep away from the snow my friend.
      Love ya right back,


    1. That sounds absolutely delicious: cranberries 😀 Enjoy your lunch!

      Here in Holland, supper is almost due. We’ll have yesterday’s leftovers of a sauerkraut oven dish. Very spicy, bit sweet, bit tart. Also very tasty 🙂


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