Posted in Inspiration, Stories

Shower Thinker

How long do you think you could go without a shower?

This one is easy: one day max. I could not function otherwise.

Of course you can take a bath, or simply wash up using a washcloth. Jump in a cold brook or stand outside in the pouring rain, trying to evade all the cats and dogs.

But the only place for me to come back to life, to get my brain working, is the shower. A rain shower. A heavy stream of reinvigorating hot water, splashing down on my face, massaging my skull and activating the gray cells underneath.

In the shower I find inspiration for many things: strategies for challenges at work, holiday plans, thoughts about all and nothing, inspiration for what to write about, and, last but not least, what to wear today! 😉

There’s even a @ShowerThinker Twitter account, solely dedicated to The Shower, with hilarious quotes and gadgets.

Did you take your shower today? 😉


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

17 thoughts on “Shower Thinker

  1. And see, I’m the opposite! Growing up on a >100 year old farm in Saskatchewan Canada, all we had was a tub. So to me, a tub is relaxing and delicious. Shower time is functional for me: get in, get done, get out. But a bath with delicious scents and a lock on the door? Heaven….. great post! MJ


    1. Do you have pictures from that old farm MJ? I’d love to see it 🙂

      And agreed, a tub can be very relaxing, soothing, especially when you’re tired, or in muscle pains. Or just to enjoy it.

      It all sounds real great – my partner also loves to take a bath – but somehow it’s not meant for me. Too restless for all the quiet, while in the shower the rushing water takes my restlessness away. Something like that.

      That lock on the door seems a very important part of the bathing ritual ROFL. Last year I wrote a post on this – in Dutch – describing the way my sons would come running up when I took a bath, asking me if I was sick. Here’s the link:, but you probably won’t be able to read it 😀


  2. Hahaha, it takes years of practise ofcourse to sing while one takes a shower (not) 😉
    Just keep my head down because i hate it when water comes into my eyes. And then your mouth can open. 🙂

    Well to be honoust Marion, i’ve had a little bit of ‘carnaval’ last weekend.
    Our friend J.V. and my little self rolled out off our ‘pub’ @ 3.00 last saturday evening/Sundaymorning and had a cup of coffee @ their house so i met my pillow @ home when the clock ticked 4.00.
    When the real partydays arrive it’s almost a habit of going to bed so late (or early).
    Last Sunday my husband, his sister, wife and brother-in-law accompanied us to ‘De Gouden Leeuw’ and we had a wonderful afternoon, full of laughter ( sauwelen).
    Then afterwards we grabbed something to eat. So i had a wonderfull weekend. Hahaha

    Coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday the band has to play on different carnival’things’ so i guess it is already arrived.This madness…

    I’m sure i will have a nice weekend and i’m lucky that i have such a good bodyguard to protect me, my second husbie. 🙂

    Love and good luck with your son xxx


  3. Hello,
    Well i”m a big fan of the shower just like you Marion.
    A hot bath is nice but only when i’m cold to the bone or feeling sick.

    I also have those ‘aha’ moments when i’m doing all the things i usually do, showering.
    And i sing a lot. i’m practising the songs we have to sing with our choir or just singing the songs that make me happy.

    My comments on your post will be on and off from now because of the ‘carnaval’.

    Love and hugs xxx


    1. Singing under the shower. How does that feel? Is the acoustic fabulous or what? How about the water that will rain down in your mouth? LOL 😀

      Enjoy the sweet anticipation of the carnival madness my friend, it’s almost at your doorstep… *hugs*



  4. My morning shower seems to wash away the troubles from the previous day and I feel like I am starting off fresh and new. I am in awe of Jostijn having taught in a remote area. God bless her! 🙂 Have a special day! 🙂 Refreshed and revived by water! 🙂


    1. Good morning J. 🙂 How are you today?

      Which do you prefer: a bath or a shower? I have tried bathing, time and again, but it just isn’t me haha. I get bored, cold and get out withing 15 minutes.
      But a shower is great! 🙂

      Jostijn is a friend who studies at our academy to become a primary teacher. I will tell HIM (silly Dutch names eh? 😉 ) what you wrote 😀



  5. Just try a month in Arusha (Tanzania), teaching a primary school in the middle of nowhere. We had a shower, but the only way we could have water was having the mother of the house cook 20 liters of water especially for us. So we took one shower a week in a backpacker hotel 15 minutes away by daladala (bus).
    In the beginning it is strange not having a shower, but eventually you get used to it. And it saves the poor family a lot of trouble.
    But when you do wash away all the sand and dust, you feel reborn again. That’s a great feeling!


    1. Of course that would be a whole different situation Jostijn, I would not dream about asking for a shower then. Well perhaps I would dream, but you know what I mean. I never knew you taught in Tanzania? Would you like to tell us more about it? 🙂

      When I was in Indonesia, we took mandi ‘bath’. Imagine a big stone basin filled with water and a plastic container to scoop the water up with. Then it was just a simple matter of standing on the cold floor and emptying the container over your head. Dripping icy water, these ‘showers’ never lasted long, but they were refreshing 😀

      But if I have the choice, I will take a shower every morning!


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