Posted in Music

Music: Kamelot

A couple of years ago I was in desperate need of new music.  My friend Maeglin introduced me to Kamelot by sending an MP3 of ‘The March of Mephisto’. Within two minutes I was text messaging him to send me more, and more. I fell for this band like a thirsty brick in a crystal clear pool.

Kamelot is an American symphonic power metal band from Tampa, Florida, formed in 1991. Six years later Norwegian vocalist Roy Khan – who studied opera for three years – joined the band. Khan co-writes all of Kamelot’s songs with the band’s guitarist and founder Thomas Youngblood.

Current members:

  • Roy Khan: Lead vocals (1998−present)
  • Thomas Youngblood: Guitars, Backing vocals (1991−present)
  • Sean Tibbetts: Bass guitar (1991−92, 2009−present)
  • Casey Grillo: Drums (1997−present)
  • Oliver Palotai: Keyboards (2005−present)

Where BLØF was gentle last week, Kamelot is strong, intimidating, grunchy, ominous and haunting. But Kamelot also means superb melodies, a strong drive and fantastic rhythm changes.

Listen and watch with me if you dare…

The Haunting

Ghost Opera

You can find more information about Kamelot on this Wiki page and of course at the Official Kamelot Website.


feelgood writer | avid reader | RPGamer | caretaker of lads and cats | no lady, but all woman

6 thoughts on “Music: Kamelot

  1. Haha, well i was suprised today.
    I asked our son if he had ever heard of Kamelot and he reached for his “gadget” (you can’t call these things a phone because they hardly use it to make a phonecall, hahaha)
    to make me listen to The Ghost Opera.

    “It is emo-music mum”, so i said: oh really? Do you think so?
    “Well. Other kids tell me it is”
    Dear son: don’t ever let other people decide what things are…if you like it, it’s good. :-).
    Thanks to you we had a nice conversation about something my son and i have in common…our passion: Music!


    1. Music is what makes our hearts beat faster. Nice you and your son had a lively discussion. Tell him Kamelot is no emo music. It is great music and lots of people like it. even emo’s! I’ve been to a live concert at 013 in Tilburg and they were fantastic!


  2. Well finally got the time to listen and watch this music.

    Amazed….like it very much.
    This video’s must be shown to my husband and son.
    I don’t think they know it already.
    Having a son who plays the electric guitar and loves rock….it is something he must see.

    I like the video (& song) of The Ghost Opera:
    A good looking vocalist, drama, beautifull masks, an amazing red dress and a good story. All in one. 🙂

    What a surprise that we both didn’t like the song behind the wish i was sending you earlier 😉

    Love xxx and hugs.


    1. We are SO much alike! 😀

      Happy you like Kamelot and I’m sure your son will love it. The Haunting is a duet with Epica’s lead singer Simone Simons. Beautiful combination.

      LOL Karin, that song was HORRIBLE hahahaaaa – laughing here – but the thought behind the mail was sweet. Thank you 🙂



  3. I will have to save this link for when I am at my daughter’s…my computer is dial up and I can’t watch videos or listen to sound bites because it takes literally forever! 😦
    Have a great evening. 🙂


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