Posted in Six Word Saturday

Six Word Saturday

Fluffy Snowflakes Stronger

Than Mighty Bamboo


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The silent attacker arrived on powder light feet. It struck from the air, soundless, lulling its surroundings to sleep with its icy voice. Slowly but inevitably, the bamboo had to bow its heads to the supremacy of the snow. The very first ánd last snow of the year 2014.

So this morning I set out to free my lush bamboo, to save my living green house screen. But the broom was in the shed. And the entrance to the shed was barricaded with super grass, snow and ice. If you look carefully at the photo above, you will see my witch broom, resting against the fence on the left side. I was not riding it, but I did use it to shake the snow loose, wrapped up in my warm parka. And together we made it! The bamboo is free again. For now, because the whiteness is still falling from the gray skies.

Here is Boris, investigating the strange white stuff. In the background the bamboo, upright once more.


By the way, up north and down southeast the Netherlands are green and rainy. But here in the southwest there’s snooooooow!

Have a light Saturday.
