Posted in Six Word Saturday

Six Word Saturday

Haaaa, pee all you want now!


Eh, no, I did not mean that!

Four months ago, Smokey and Boris joined our little family, and that made Nick and me very happy. Bandit, on the other hand, wasn’t too charmed about his new feline brothers. In fact, he was not pleased at all. And to vent his frustration, he has been peeing near the front door each night. Every single night.

I have tried lots of things to stop him from doing this. I barricaded the area, but he simply finds a new spot next to it. I have placed a fourth cat litter, which the other two cats eagerly use. I have sprinkled pepper, cleaned with vinegar, with normal and natural soap, with lots of water. Have sprayed with special neutralizing odor. But Bandit has no nose on his rear end, so he doesn’t mind what I do. He minds only his own business. And that is peeing, sometimes twice a day.

Can you imagine what happens to my mail when it floats gently to the floor, settling snugly on the wet tiles? Aye, straight into the bin.

But I have found another solution, as you can see in the picture: a mail bag! I have to insert two more hooks near the top, but the wood is too hard to simply twist them in. That will have to wait until one of my handy friends comes over.

Have a clean weekend!


Posted in Africa

Faces of Africa – 44

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