Posted in Inspiration, Personal

Be Here, Live Now

These days, time is very precious. So very precious, it is worth more than money. All year long we get up early to go to work. And before and after that, we try to capture a fragment of time for creative energy, for ourselves, where the madness of the day can not reach us.

Running and making haste all day long, to do what we are supposed to do, when we are supposed to do it. The demands of modern society are very high. So much needs to be done, simply to make a living. Or to have a clean house. Or to get the kids to the right place. I understand that. But what I do not get is that this demanding schedule even tries to sneak in during my vacation. Taking a peek at my work mail, so it will not be too overwhelming when I return. Having a pack of chores hovering over me. Things I have postponed until the summer holiday. So now I have to do them… The pressure is building up as the holidays float by.

But you know what? I have had enough of that! I do not want the demands of every day life take over during the one period of the year when I can really relax. I am living now, not yesterday or in the future. Here and now. I have stopped feeling guilty. Guilty for not using every second of the hour to do something useful. For not finally doing the things I normally do not have time for, like cleaning my whole house. In stead I follow my heart and listen to what I really want to do.

I truly enjoy staying up late sitting here behind my computer to write – like now. To play Bejeweled, to check out my friends on Facebook, to read and even watch a bit of crime TV on 13th Street. Yes, also at 10 o’clock in the morning! To stay in bed and read, trying to prolong the minute I have to put in my contacts to prevent my eyeballs from popping out. To go to the supermarket every single day, because I am too lazy to think and plan ahead. The freedom to do exactly as I want, is what I call vacation.

Amazing things happen when you go against what you are supposed to do. Today I had planned to donate my youngest son’s old bike to the second hand shop in the municipal center, but could not lift it into my little Ford Ka. It was too heavy and of course it did not even fit! Perhaps someone should invent a folding bike. Ah right, they have. Anyhow, there I was, muttering to the bike to work with me in stead of against me, which of course it would not. Getting frustrated. To which I put a deliberate ending. When I let go of the stress, I got this amazingly simple idea. I hauled the front of the bike back out of my car and parked the damn thing on the sidewalk in front of my house. Then I ran inside, grabbed a pen and paper and taped this message to the bike saddle.

If you need me, then please take me with you. For free!

When I looked out of the window half an hour later, the bike was gone, on its way to a happy new owner. I saved myself a bike wrestle mania, did not have to drive into town, plus made a child happy. Now THAT is what vacation is about. By following your heart and intuition, you will create room for new and fresh ideas. When you take the time to simply be, creativity flows in to fill your receptive mind.

Will you join me in the here and now? Please be at ease with what you are doing and do not think about what you perhaps ought to do. Do not feel guilty. There will be time for those things when the time is right. If you watch a movie – even in the middle of the day – then enjoy that film with all your heart. Do not think about the laundry or about cleaning the windows. They can wait. But when you finally decide to clean them, then make it a fun thing. Concentrate on the sparkling cleanness and play with the water and foam. Live in the now and embrace the joy life can give you, if only you take the time to really experience it.

Have a very happy and special holiday!

Posted in Art, Photo, Poems

Art: Autumn Faerie


Nature’s creature
dressed in foliage
pearly shine of leaves
such elegant beauty

Slender limbs unfolded
reached out
in wordless whisper
to take you away

Rest, my dear
smile, be at ease
your home
is where my heart is 

Autumn Faerie – a little statue I found on a Nijmegen street market

Posted in D&D

D&D: Drow of the Underdark

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D)

If the only thing that comes to mind is a deep dark cave with a nasty dragon caught in it, then I might make the safe assumption that you do not know this role playing game. When you guess it is just another fantasy computer game, you probably have not heard about the “real” thing.

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 is a fantasy role-playing game (RPG). D&D assigns each player of the group a specific character, who embark together upon imaginary adventures within a fantasy setting. A Dungeon Master (DM) serves as the game’s referee and storyteller, while also maintaining the setting in which the adventures occur. The characters form a party that interacts with the setting’s inhabitants (and each other). Together they solve dilemmas, engage in battles and gather treasure and knowledge. In the process the characters earn experience points to become increasingly powerful over a series of sessions.

No computers, though no real swords or capes either. Only the imagination of the DM and his players, handbooks, little figurines and pen & paper.

I wrote about it on Figments of a Dutchess before, when we were still roaming The Old Empires. The chilling end fight has not found its way to the blog world of the Dungeon Dutchess… yet! The writing is somewhat delayed by the necessity of reporting about the new campaign: The Underdark first.

This new adventure takes place underground! Yep, under the ground! There is a vast subterranean network of interconnected tunnels and caverns, stretching beneath entire continents. The Underdark is inhabited by lots of strange and sinister creatures. Believe me, you would not want to go there on a Sunday stroll!

Living in the dark, apart from an occasional phosphorescent fungus, does not bring out trust and confidence. Nearly all of the creatures and races are of a hostile nature. There is hardly any natural food, since most of the vegetation is poisonous.

Welcome to the empire of the Drow!

In ages past, the elves were torn by discord and warfare, driving out from their surface lands their selfish and cruel members, who sought safety in the underworld. These creatures, later known as the “dark elvenfolk” or drow, grew strong in the arcane arts over the centuries and content with their gloomy fairyland beneath the earth, though they still bear enmity towards and seek revenge against their distant kin, the elves and faeries who drove them down.

They are described as chaotic evil in alignment, and highly intelligent. They are described as black-skinned and pale haired in appearance, around 5-feet tall and slight of build with somewhat sharp features, with large eyes and large pointed ears. Their equipment (magical boots and cloaks, and fine mesh armor similar to chainmail) is black in color and described as being empowered by exposure to the strange radiations of the Drow homeland, losing this power and eventually falling apart when exposed to direct sunlight and kept from the radiation for too long.

Females are inherently more powerful than males, and only females may be clerics or fighter/clerics; male drow are commonly fighters, magic-users, or both classes at once. Drow move silently and with a graceful quickness, even when wearing their armor, and blend into shadows with ease. They carry long daggers and short swords of an adamantite alloy and small one-handed crossbows which shoot darts carrying a poison that causes unconsciousness.

Drow are difficult to surprise as they are able to see very well in the dark, have an intuitive sense about their underground world similar to that of dwarves, and can detect hidden or secret doors as easily as other elves do. Drow are highly resistant to magic, while all drow have the ability to use some inherent magical abilities even if they are not strictly spellcasters.

There are rumors of vast caverns housing whole cities of drow which exist somewhere deep beneath the earth, and now that the drow have dwelled in these dark labyrinthe places they dislike daylight and other forms of bright light as it hampers their abilities. They are able to communicate using a silent language composed of hand movements, and when coupled with facial and body expression, movement, and posture, this form of communication is the equal of any spoken language.

Source: Wikipedia

Do you know what the fun – and yet extremely difficult – part is? I am playing a drow cleric, named Lilith Xaniqos. A female! Drow consider themselves superior to other races. Furthermore drow women, especially clerics, are superior to males! How about that? Arrogant and suspicious, all is about power and dominance. While role playing, I expect males to simply obey. And if not, I punish them or worse. Of course others can not stand me and will plot against me if I carry it too far.

Me! Playing a bitch! While I always play the balancing part, holding people, nature and animals in high reverence. Druid, paladin. Goodie good characters. Can you now understand what is the difficult part? If someone is attacked, a slave, I can not run to the rescue noooo, I just ignore the poor bastard. Or even help him to the other side! How cruel and awful. Horror! LOL. Only acts that help my House or the Spider Queen Lolth are worthy.

Ah well, too much to tell in this post. Perhaps you would like to read about this new adventure? Then you can take a look at The Calling and Nyttoris Arms & Armor on my blog Dungeon Dutchess.

Posted in Personal

View without a View

Remember my blog post about the trees right behind my back yard? The trees that are not there anymore? If you don’t, then here is the link: They Are Killing My Trees!!

Today it is time for a new episode: View without a View. See for yourself:

The gray and white concrete slabs are my new back-neighbors’ houses under construction. And they are damn close! What will these people do, share my garden? They will have tiny yards and I feel sorry for them.

But this is not the home and yard I bought. This is pollution of my former green view. Perhaps I should build a huge fence on my shed to block it. Perhaps I should boycot the construction, tear down the slabs 😉 My terrace is near the house, so in full view of the newcomers. I guess in the end the only thing to do is to get used to it.

But perhaps I can paint my house and shed in merry colors to counter the effect. Which will probably be forbidden by Dutch law. Or put sun collectors upright on my shed’s roof. Or… any suggestions would be fine!

The good news is that my porch swing is still hidden behind the last bush on the right. A refuge for reading 🙂