Posted in Six Word Saturday

Six Word Saturday

Fluffy Snowflakes Stronger

Than Mighty Bamboo


click for details

The silent attacker arrived on powder light feet. It struck from the air, soundless, lulling its surroundings to sleep with its icy voice. Slowly but inevitably, the bamboo had to bow its heads to the supremacy of the snow. The very first ánd last snow of the year 2014.

So this morning I set out to free my lush bamboo, to save my living green house screen. But the broom was in the shed. And the entrance to the shed was barricaded with super grass, snow and ice. If you look carefully at the photo above, you will see my witch broom, resting against the fence on the left side. I was not riding it, but I did use it to shake the snow loose, wrapped up in my warm parka. And together we made it! The bamboo is free again. For now, because the whiteness is still falling from the gray skies.

Here is Boris, investigating the strange white stuff. In the background the bamboo, upright once more.


By the way, up north and down southeast the Netherlands are green and rainy. But here in the southwest there’s snooooooow!

Have a light Saturday.


Posted in Six Word Saturday

Six Word Saturday

Baking. Playing. Wii. New treasured memories.


How can silence be this deafening? Yesterday my youngest son left for the UK again, taking his charming girlfriend and her two extraordinary kids home. The house seems empty without the enthusiastic yelling over the Wii, the clapping and drumming of Donkey Konga, the smell of homemade bread, brownies, muffins and bread sticks. Without little feet that poke me in the middle of the night.

My son left again, and I’m focusing on the next meeting. Because if I don’t, I will have to apply new eye makeup.

Have a warm family weekend, all of you.



Posted in Six Word Saturday

Six Word Saturday

Children’s magic: Lego back to life.


My youngest son came over with his girlfriend and her two children. And guess what they found, hidden in a big chest?

Indestructible Lego, favorite toy throughout the years. ♥


Posted in Six Word Saturday

6WS: Operation Temptation

My Saturday in Six Words:

And so the cat hunt starts


click for details

Yesterday my red tomcat Boris, whom I owned for only six weeks before he disappeared, finally returned to the neighbor’s back yard after five weeks! He’s alive! He is very frightened and emaciated, the poor thing. Plus out of his mind, because he is in the wrong garden. But I’m relieved, and proud of him for finding his home again. Sort of. Unfortunately Boris takes off whenever I come too near. Plus he’s hiding in dense holly bushes, so I can’t reach him.

Now the trick is to get him into MY garden. I have tried to lure him out for two days, but he won’t leave his safe place. I have called the vet and the animal shelter for help, and they provided me with a cat trap. So tonight, I’m going on a cat hunt. And these are my weapons:

Please, keep your fingers crossed that soon I’ll be able to hold him, cuddle and feed him. We all miss him terribly.

Have a safe weekend!

Related: 6WS: Boris is missing


Operation Temptation was successful! Boris is safely back home and will stay in a room for now. He is very affectionate, has eaten and is now sleeping after a thorough cuddle. I think he came back just in time: he is so very skinny, I can feel his bones. The poor dear ♥ Thank you all so very much for your kind comments and support.



Posted in Six word story challenges

Six Word Story Challenge: Astronomical Object

The Six Word Story Challenge of this week is all about ASTRONOMICAL OBJECTS  or CELESTIAL BODIES.

Astronomical objects or celestial objects are naturally occurring physical entities, associations or structures that current science has demonstrated to exist in the observable universe.

The term astronomical object is sometimes used interchangeably with astronomical body. Typically, an astronomical (celestial) body refers to a single, cohesive structure that is bound together by gravity (and sometimes by electromagnetism).

Astronomical objects are gravitational bound structures that are associated with a position in space, but may consist of multiple independent astronomical bodies or objects. These objects range from single planets to star clusters, nebulae or entire galaxies. A comet may be described as a body, in reference to the frozen nucleus of ice and dust, or as an object, when describing the nucleus with its diffuse coma and tail.

Just a few examples: stars (like the sun), planets (like our dear earth), moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, meteoroids, galaxies, you name it and it’s out there. And plenty of unnamed ones too!


So here’s the challenge for you: step outside and stare upwards until you can

write a story about an ASTRONOMICAL OBJECT in just six words. Let a photo or image inspire you to write a story. Or first write the story, and then make or search for a picture to go with it.

Here’s a Six Word Story by Ernest Hemingway.


Such an impact and unseen images in only six words…

Publish your Six Word Story on your own website/blog and paste the link to that post in a comment to this one here at Figments. I will include your contribution in this post, forming a list of stories.

Will you join me? Will you? Say you do. And share the challenge news!

I look forward to your stories.



Doe je liever mee in het Nederlands, ga dan naar Verhaal in zes woorden met beeld: Hemellichaam.

Older stories:
130226 – Poverty
130313 – Spring
130327 – Writing

130410 – Light
130424 – Music
130515 – Transport
130529 – Pets
130612 – Regret
130616 – Inspiration
130703 – Commercials
130814 – Vacation
130829 – Memory
130911 – Terrorism
130925 – Youth
131030 – The Weather
131113 – Film
131127 – Art
131211 – Food
131229 – Retrospect
140122 – Puzzle
140205 – Shopping
140219 – Dilemma
140312 – Daredevil
140326 – Friends
140513 – Garden
140529 – Elections


Posted in Six word stories


My own entry in the Six Word Story Challenge: Garden





<< If you want to read other six-word stories, or participate in the writing challenge yourself, then hit the button!

Posted in Six word story challenges

Six Word Story Challenge: Elections

The Six Word Story Challenge of this week is all about ELECTIONS.

An election is a formal decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office. Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy has operated since the 17th century. Elections may fill offices in the legislature, sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional and local government. This process is also used in many other private and business organizations, from clubs to voluntary associations and corporations.

To elect means to choose or make a decision and so sometimes other forms of ballot such as referendums are referred to as elections, especially in the United States.

Apart from politics, there are also other kind of elections. Think of beauty queens and song contests for example.




The challenge for you:

Write a story about ELECTIONS in just six words. Let a photo or image inspire you to write a story. Or first write the story, and then make or search for a picture to go with it.

Here’s a Six Word Story by Ernest Hemingway.


Such an impact and unseen images in only six words…

Publish your Six Word Story on your own website/blog and paste the link to that post in a comment to this one here at Figments. I will include your contribution in this post, forming a list of stories.

Will you join me? Will you? Say you do. :) And share the challenge news!

I look forward to your stories.



Older stories:
130226 – Poverty
130313 – Spring
130327 – Writing

130410 – Light
130424 – Music
130515 – Transport
130529 – Pets
130612 – Regret
130616 – Inspiration
130703 – Commercials
130814 – Vacation
130829 – Memory
130911 – Terrorism
130925 – Youth
131030 – The Weather
131113 – Film
131127 – Art
131211 – Food
131229 – Retrospect
140122 – Puzzle
140205 – Shopping
140219 – Dilemma
140312 – Daredevil
140326 – Friends
140513 – Garden


Posted in Six Word Saturday

Half a century plus one year minus one day

My Saturday in Six Words:

Last day as 50 year old




And what a year it has been. A couple of high & low lights:

  • the road trip to the southwest of the US – the tremendous birthday gift I got from my darling V-man;
  • also the year my youngest son decided to live with his girlfriend in the UK;
  • recently my educational expedition to Malawi, Africa, together with 41 special people;
  • and the year that I have to take this warning sign off my wall.

Luckily my V-man assured me he will still be attracted to me tomorrow. 😉

Have a happy Saturday!


  < right under this badge are more Six Word Saturdays.

Posted in Six word story challenges

Six Word Story Challenge: Garden

The Six Word Story Challenge of this week is all about GARDENS.

A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature. The garden can incorporate both natural and man-made materials. The most common form today is known as a residential garden, but the term garden has traditionally been a more general one. Zoos, which display wild animals in simulated natural habitats, were formerly called zoological gardens. Western gardens are almost universally based on plants, with garden often signifying a shortened form of botanical garden.

Some traditional types of eastern gardens, such as Zen gardens, use plants sparsely or not at all. Xeriscape gardens use local native plants that do not require irrigation or extensive use of other resources while still providing the benefits of a garden environment. Gardens may exhibit structural enhancements, sometimes called follies, including water features such as fountains, ponds (with or without fish), waterfalls or creeks, dry creek beds, statuary, arbors, trellises and more.

Some gardens are for ornamental purposes only, while some gardens also produce food crops, sometimes in separate areas, or sometimes intermixed with the ornamental plants. Food-producing gardens are distinguished from farms by their smaller scale, more labor-intensive methods, and their purpose (enjoyment of a hobby rather than produce for sale). Flower gardens combine plants of different heights, colors, textures, and fragrances to create interest and delight the senses.


The challenge for you:

Write a story about a GARDEN in just six words. Let a photo or image inspire you to write a story. Or first write the story, and then make or search for a picture to go with it.

Here’s a Six Word Story by Ernest Hemingway.


Such an impact and unseen images in only six words…

Publish your Six Word Story on your own website/blog and paste the link to that post in a comment to this one here at Figments. I will include your contribution in this post, forming a list of stories.

Will you join me? Will you? Say you do. :) And share the challenge news!

I look forward to your stories.



Doe je liever mee in het Nederlands, ga dan naar Verhaal in zes woorden met beeld: Tuin.

Older stories:
130226 – Poverty
130313 – Spring
130327 – Writing

130410 – Light
130424 – Music
130515 – Transport
130529 – Pets
130612 – Regret
130616 – Inspiration
130703 – Commercials
130814 – Vacation
130829 – Memory
130911 – Terrorism
130925 – Youth
131030 – The Weather
131113 – Film
131127 – Art
131211 – Food
131229 – Retrospect
140122 – Puzzle
140205 – Shopping
140219 – Dilemma
140312 – Daredevil
140326 – Friends